Why cant gun dealers buy guns on my gmod darkrp server
Why cant gun dealers buy guns on my gmod darkrp server

why cant gun dealers buy guns on my gmod darkrp server

I think we need to restart DarkRP or at least not make the servers basically pay to play.

why cant gun dealers buy guns on my gmod darkrp server

Also, it doesn't help when the staff members are allowed to team with their friends and when their friends either die or get killed fairly, its considered a RDM and you get banned or warned. then i decided "ill just use one of my adv dupes" (I know most servers don't allow users to use it) But this server made it where you have to spend $100 worth of ranks just to use adv dupe. Now, today i joined a DarkRP server expecting the same bullshit like i have seen in every other server (which i did) BUT they took a step to far on this limitation, they had it where you HAVE to buy VIP or any other rank higher TO USE PRECISION, i was already pissed at seeing this. 05 seconds, and some servers take the extra step that allows the other person to have over 10 fading doors in a single base even if the max limit is only 3-4, AND even after all that they can put in guns that one shot anybody even with armor, like a fucking lazer rifle that can shoot through walls. That trend is you buy a op "CUSTOM JOB" that is usually $20, and you get access to guns that other people cant obtain or buy, AND you can make your job have the most OP bullshit, like raiding tools that can take down all your doors with a single click in. Now im seeing a "trend" that is in almost every single DarkRP server. and once i got the hang of it i had so much fun playing all day and night, and with no "CUSTOM JOBS".

why cant gun dealers buy guns on my gmod darkrp server

The first server i joined happened to be a DarkRP, and i didn't know what was going on or how to play. I started playing garrys mod around 4-5 years ago.

Why cant gun dealers buy guns on my gmod darkrp server